Wednesday, April 21, 2010

LOCAL WEDNESDAYS*: Duck Egg Pasta Carbonara

     So Local Wednesdays (like Sicilian Sunday Dinners) is another attempt to focus Morta Di Fame, give it some structure, a routine. If only I could do that for the rest of my life! Needless to say, if you have visited the Wednesday Farmer's Market at Union Square you know it is the best in the entire city. So, even if I have to get up at 5am to get there before work (who am I kidding?) I'll do my best, then make a meal with ONLY local ingredients that evening. Invite yourself over on a Wednesday (you will have to come to Queens) and enjoy a local meal with me! Or we can do it at your place.
     I am very proud to say that all components of this Carbonara Pasta dish are local, even the pasta was homemade from Knoll Crest Farms. So here is the deal: my dad hates chickens and my mom hates eggs. Hence, I have never eaten this type of pasta and until recently had no idea what it was. Did you say bacon? And eggs? And cheese? And garlic? And fresh ground pepper? On pasta? When? NOW! OKAY! 
    I used duck eggs, which is very exciting! Their eggy robustness took some getting used to. And they were gigantic; the yoke was the size of a ping pong. The shell was really resilient and I almost needed a hammer to break it. But they were beautiful and really delicious. I knew they would be perfect for Pasta Carbonara. 
     This dish is so easy, too. It takes only 20 minutes, I promise! Fry some chopped bacon until crisp, then drain on a paper towel. Meanwhile, boil your pasta. Remove some of the bacon fat from the frying pan and add chopped garlic, fresh black pepper, the fried bacon, the cooked pasta. Turn the heat off. Then crack a few eggs on top and mix into the pasta too cook them. Most recipes call for a swirl so as not to scramble your eggs, but mine were a tad scrambled. Mario Batali, as described in Bill Buford's Heat, separates his yokes and whites, mixes the whites in first, then just drops the raw yokes on top. Add some pecorino romano cheese. Serve warm and gooey with some nice local greens or broccoli rabe.

*All ingredients from the post are made exclusively from local seasonal meat and produce.


Mister Meatball said...

That is a beautiful thing!

Anonymous said...

so I don't have time to read this whole post, but I wanted to tell you that some guy just dropped off 6 duck eggs to sample AND I have some local bacon in the freezer. I came here to show my husband the sweet potato leek hash with duck egg and Wow! I'm totally making the carbonara this weekend. Thanks for posting!! If mine looks as good as yours I'll send you a picture of VT duck egg, VT bacon carbonara!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mr. Meatball!

I SO hope you make it! But you MUST try them on their own, as in just fried, but leave the yoke runny, so you can really experience their flavor. They are probably huge, too! So jealous. I haven't seen them at the market since.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

I have 6 eggs, that should be enough for both the carbonara and a breakfast of fried duck eggs. I'll let you know how it goes!