Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Its never too late to say thanks!

     Thats what Mommy (Marcy) always used to tell me when she forced me to write thank you cards for everything, birthdays, christmas, you name it. I have thank you paranoia because of her. When someone sends me a thank you card I wonder: should I thank them for thanking me? Its sick. And if I don't get a thank you in a timely manner, for say a wedding shower, I think to myself what kind of low-life isn't sending me a thank you? You made me sit and watch you open 500 gifts, the same 500 gifts every boring shower has and waste an entire Saturday afternoon, and no thank you!

     Well its been over a week and I have been wanting to thank you all for supporting Morta Di Fame by coming to the Greenpoint Food Market. It was loads of fun. I got to see so many people who I haven't seen in forever. That was super special.

    Joann, thanks for organizing the event. You have an incredible amount of energy and are loads of fun and you're from Queens, which makes you automatically awesome! And you're wiener dog is great, too. You're lucky my Mom didn't steal him; she was smitten.

    I need to thank Marcy in particular for making the eggplant caponata, which was the show stopper. It was sold out in like an hour. We know what to make next time.

    I would like to thank Markus for bringing me my favorite lunch, the Cauliflower Sammy, and enduring the long day, keeping the samples refreshed and the panelle sandwiches moving off the grill. Then for helping me eat everything that was leftover the entire following week. Put that trash compactor to work!

    And Rocco, thanks for being the real life cartoon of who you are. I am not exploiting you, just embracing your insanity.

    The other vendors: you are awesome, and I can't wait to see you again and try your samples!

   What Morta Di Fame featured: Mommy's Eggplant Caponata, Panelle Sammies & Almond Olive Oil Cupcakes.

Lessons learned: Anything I sell needs to be take-out.

    Everyone samples so much stuff all day they don't want to buy and eat an entire sandwich or a cupcake after eating so much sweets. Panelle is really a specialty item in a certain way. The people who knew what it was were all about it. The samples didn't do justice to what the sandwich is: an olive oil sopping, greasy fried chick pea sandwich all in your grill.

    What I bought: (or what didn't I buy) Every penny I earned I spent on goodies: Bacon Marmalade, Anarchy in a Jar, Mama O' Kimchee, Sigmund Pretzel Shop, Ricochilito: pickled chipotle peppers (made chipolte mayo with this), Sourpuss Pickles, The Soup Spoon, Bean and Apple.

    Shout out to our neighbor Molly and her man: your cookies and truffles were delicious.

   Overall, the day was a success. I wanted to promote the blog and rub elbows with local fellow food lovers, which I did. Next time, I think I am going to focus on just eggplant caponata and make the samples self serve, so I can spend more time chatting with everyone and getting yummy samples.

Check out the official recap on the Greepoint Food Market blog.

I blatantly stole all of these photos from the GFM Flickr Photo Stream.
(I did take photos (I did!) I just can't get them off my dumb camera right now.) Stay tuned for more. I have some funny ones. 
Come to the next one on April 10th!


Markus said...

You're welcome! And I better get a thank you card for that "youre welcome".

Map of Hawaii said...

so sad we missed it - it sounded awesome! i'm going to see if i can get the 10th off and we will be there even if we're still pajama clad...xo

Keri said...

Hello Jen, Awesome Blog you have here. Great reading and great photos too. Love your foodieness! So glad I stopped in today. I do sandwiches on my blog. Nothing serious, but lots of fun. I'm following you now. Keri (a.k.a. Sam)

Rocco Galatioto said...

I'm glad you realize that I'm insane. It's what keeps my mind young and my creativity alive.
No matter what your mother says, I love the picture.

Anonymous said...

pajamas are perfect! or anything with elastic waist band...

sam - checked out your sammy blog. awesome. gorgeous! will follow! thanks for stopping by.

dad - this picture rocks and mommy loves it too. she married you because you are insane!